FENDAHL issue 17
Edited by Simon and Frank Danes 1981 A5 format

This issue kicked off with a letters page and amongst those writing in were one Gary Russell who in responce to a letter in a previous issue says:
"...though carrying a valid point, was in essence absolute rubblish...The fanzines that nowadays try to be 'pretentious to the nth degree' are ones like 'Gallifrey', who are usually backing up their articles with some justification; and the now hideous 'Oracle' which seemed to give up being interesting when it realised the 'ready to be influenced audience' would pay their 36p for any old junk."

DR WHO ON: Patriotism by Martin Wiggins

BAKER IN RETROSPECT by Peter C Jones starts his article with two simple rules:
"Rule 1: One can no longer just call oneself a 'Doctor Who' fan, one must declare oneself a Hartnellite, a Troughtonite, a Pertweeite or Bakerite. ( Is there such a thing as a Davisonite yet? ). Rule 2: If one is a so clled 'serious' fan of the series, one must be sure of preferring any Doctor except the current one." before going on to discuss the role of the fourth Doctor and his adventures, proving that he fell into the Rule 1 catagorie.

The main feature is the KATY MANNING INTERVIEW, which basically takes up most of the fanzine. ExcelLently conducted by Martin Wiggins in April 1981:
"Talking to Katy Manning is not like interviewing a star," begins the article, "...it is like chatting with a fan. Ten years after her debut in 'Dr. Who', she still exudes a friendly enthusisam for the programme and its fans that she thanked me for taking the trouble to come and speak to her."

Picture strip: Doctor Who- Smell Of Death written by Martin Wiggins featuring the fourth Doctor and Romana illustrated by JART

CHEER OUT THE OLD - GRUNGE IN THE NEW by Simon Danes looks at the fan reaction to Baker's departure, the announcement of his replacement and the eventual arrival of Davison.

Cosmic Masque was the fiction fanzine available to members from The Doctor Who Appreciation Society. This issue contained a number of pieces by the likes of Ian Mason, Michael Crouch, David Murphy, Daniel Lee Salter, Justin Miles, Andrew Kitson, Luke McCullough, John Delve and a couple of short pieces by Steven Wickham including 'Otherwise Engaged'. in which we discover why Napoleon uttered those immortal words "Not tonight, Josephine."
A highlight of this issue was the fifth instalement of Douglas Adams' SHADA. The author had given the Society permission to novelize his work as it never saw print as a Target Novel.
Fully illustrated thoughout by Andrew D. Bennett, Mark Freshney and Colin Howard.

Edited by Jonathan Waters and Alastair Burrows A4 format

The Editorial apologies for the lateness of the 'zine and quality of the printed material, something which alot of fanzines at the time used to do and resulting in a change of format to A5 in order to keep the costs down.

FLASHBACK - MARY TAMM A newspaper cutting featuring the announcement of Mary Tamm in the role of Romana

PANOPTICON '79 REVIEW The event was held at 'The City University' in London and is remembered mainly for the announcement made by Dez Skinn from Marvel Comics of 'Doctor Who Weekly' that was launched on October 10th of that year. Tom Baker, Graham Williams and Douglas Adams were amongst guests. The first four episodes from AN UNEARTHLY CHILD were shown over the course of the weekend. the article is acompanied by a selection of photos of the displays on show at the event including a selection of props made by fans of the series.

LETTER FROM LALLA WARD A personel letter to one of the editors, Alastair soon after her appointment as Romana II in which she states: " You'll just have to wait and see what the how the present series ends and the next one begins - I can't give anything away!!" ...somethings never change !

SOUND EFFECTS WORKSHOP- A review of the BBC Record of sound effects from 'Doctor Who' as well as a look at other effects records from the Radiophonic Workshop

MARY TAMM INTERVIEW FROM 'PEBBLE MILL' - A transcript of an interview conducted on the lunch time television show with Donny Mcleod who asked "What was your thinking when you got the part first of all?"

"Well I think originally I only intended to do one series and we always said to the BBC we were only doing one series, that's my agent and myself, and I thnk the temptation is there to stay because it's regular work and it's safe but at the same time I personally like the insecurity of not knowing what's going to happen next, and I think if I did stay another year I'd be bored by the end of it. So I decided to get out while the going was good as it were."


'TERROR OF THE LEXONS' The second part of "...our exciting, fast moving adventure story." The next issue promised an "...excellant short story by Steve Bowkett entitled 'Surprised Party' "

TARGET BOOKS - Reviewed two of the latest Target novels of the time, both by Terrance Dicks: INVISIBLE ENEMYand ROBOTS OF DEATH as well as the usual letters and a competiton to win the next four issues of 'Spearhead From Space'

EYE OF HORUS issue 3
The third issue of EYE OF HORUS proclaimed an interview with the late Gerald Flood, who had appeard as King John, an imposter in 'The King's Demons' a guise of the android Kamelion, who would become an unusual and inevitably underused companion to the Fifth Doctor. The interview took place at the York Theatre Royal in June 1983 while Gerald Flood was appearing in 'Underground'. He talked of his past career as well as his appearence in Doctor Who and the possiblity of continuing in the role as the voice of Kamelion: "I knew at the time that I was to do two parts, what I didn't know was that they were going to change the serial and keep me on board" He also spoke of the problems that the Kamelion prop gave during recording and clearly why he never got the call that he had hoped for with the characters continuation.

Also issue three contained reviews of the final two stories of the 20th Anniversary season and in 'The Sun Shone But The People Queued'  looked at the Longleat celebrations that took place during the summer of that year celebrating the success of the series with a multitude of actors, actresses, producers directors and behind the scene staff.
'Drinks, Doctors, Daleks And Decadence' reviewed The Doctor Who Appreciation Society Social IV the reviewer, Guy Clapperton stated, "I thought I was well catered for in the way of cash but evidently this was not the case. this became obvious during the fanzine sale before kicking off. There were stands representing 'SHADA', 'SKARO', 'VORTEX', 'EYE OF HORUS' and 'AGGADOR'...I was tempted to buy much and did so..."
The Editorial offered an apology to the fanzine readers expecting "...specific details about WARRIORS OF THE DEEP. Unfortunately there seems to have been a breakdown in communications between the DOCTOR WHO Production Office and the BBC's design department which has led to us obtaining information that the producer would rather have kept secret." The Editor, Douglas Smith continued: "...I was approached perosnally by JNT during a recent set visit ...and effectively asked not to print any details of what we had learnt."
EYE OF HORUS ran for 10 issues and is now a very popular website. Further details of the site can be found here. Or follow the link on the home page.